Top 05 Free Backlink Strategies for your Brand

What drives modern SEO? A widely sought question for many SEO specialists as well as business owners. I will start by saying, it is really indefinite by nature. But I can certainly say that Backlinks drive the most of off page SEO. Not only me, a 74.3% of the SEO specialists voted for the backlinks, In fact, they claim to spend $2500 monthly for this exercise. We are gonna talk about the effective build and managing of backlinks in this post. 

Why Backlinks are Important in SEO?

Not only us, Google crawler also knows the importance of backlinks. A 43.7% of the top results of SERPs consists of backlinks, most commonly reciprocal links

If I want to give you a practical example. Think you are Google. You want the internet to be actually a network. Assume every website in this network are nodes. And your website is one of these nodes. There are 100 links that points to your node. So, Google crawler thinks “Oh, well there must be a reason for these 100 to point to this particular node; I must puch it a little more in the SERP”. Amazed? Nothing to be surprised of. The crawler itself is a human equivalent or a powerful AI with a much faster thinking rate. 

To get backlinks, some specialists use paid services. A considerable portion of the SEO community follows this. What I am going to talk here is the bread and butter of backlinking, not the paid part. We are talking about the top 5 stratergies. 

01. Broken Links

This is the oldest trick in the book. Not a trick actually. It is hard work. First you have to find the backlinks to your competitor site that are broken. If you can afford an SEO tool, that is very good. But I will tell you a way without paying for it, which involves hard work. 

We always have the skilled hand of Ahrefs broken link tool. Backlinks are always made easy by Ahrefs. All hail the king. It offers a paid version with more information. It is up to you to decide whether to sweat for it or having everything shown to you on screen. The tool is also called dead link checker, because the link is literally dead. 

Ahrefs backlink checker Outbound Links
Outbound Links

Want to know how to detect backlinks that are broken freely with Ahrefs? Click here to read and know. 

02. Create Amazing Content

This should not be the second in the list. Theoretically, this is the first number. But you know how hard it is to create contents. It needs extensive research and metaphorically speaking, BLOOD. And did I say that it should deserve a backlink? Remember, people would only backlink if the content is relevant. 

The most engaged content in the internet is the true content. Do not just say gibberish. Back your information with facts. Define Dream media has made a list of features for an effective content  that will market well in the competitive world wide web.

  1. Up to date facts

    You cannot go on telling that this was found after the world war II by around 1953 or something. Get data from modern times. Do not attach anything that happened literally generations earlier.
  2. Back it up with sources

    Where did you get the information? You must say it to the reader. Otherwise how could anyone know that you are manufacturing content? 
  3. Avoid broad topics

     Do not mention about everything in the same article. Talk about a niche. 

03. Guest Posts and Link Exchanging

I know it is labour intensive. Probably this will not increase your traffic too. But this will definitely increase the reputation. Later in this post, we are going to talk about influencers. Guest posting is something like that. You can convert yourself into a legit messenger of your brand. This is like earning a potential backlink by attacking with the right piece. 

When guest posting you can use following platforms. 

  • Social media like Facebook
  • Forums like StackOverflow
  • Question boards like Quora

Be an ambassador of your own brand. You can create enough connections with guest posts and you can start link exchanging. Its like “You scratch my back and I will do the same for you”; simple and plain as that. But there is a rule of thumb you need to follow here. 

You never exchange a link with your competitor. Always do that with someone away from your direct clients, but indirectly linking to your clients.
Define Dream
Your Trusted SEO Agent

04. Influencers

This is one of the modern tactics. Go talk to someone about your brand. Ask them to promote it. In return send some free products or arrange a tour for him/her. You should be cautious about the 3 factors below, before checking in an influencer.

  1. Related

    The influencer should be related to your field. Like if you are selling weed, do not get a celebrity police officer for the job. That might throw you behind the bars for sure. Get someone who is at least a distant relation of your brand. 

  2. Good follower count

    Get someone with a considerable audience. Otherwise, what is the use. People should be willing to hear the guy. 

  3. Past

    Dig deeper into your influencer. There are some who adds stains to your brand rather than a shine. They should be a driver for a relevant and respectful backlink. 

05. Listen to what internet says

You can never know what the internet says about your brand if you spend the day by just scrolling through brand mentions. There are several paid tool, and there is the mighty Google Alerts. Create an alert for your keyword and whenever it is mentioned, you will get a notification. You can go them and ask for a backlink politely. 

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